A Diretoria da Seção Centro-Norte Brasil e o Chair do Capítulo EDS convidam todos os membros do IEEE para participarem da palestra, no auditório da UnB Gama (FGA), com o Dr. Fernando Guarin, secretário da Electron Devices Society - EDS.
Data: 11/09/2013
Local: Auditório da Universidade de Brasília - Campus UnB Gama (FGA)
Horário: 08h
Título da palestra: Leading Edge Semiconductor Technologies & Applications
Resumo: In this talk, we will present a brief overview of how semiconductor technology has fuelled the exponential growth of information technologies and has transformed life in our planet. The multiple advances in semiconductor technology have provided us with unprecedented amounts of information at continually decreasing costs. The level ofinstrumentation grows daily, with ever increasing intelligence and ability to communicate and automate many processes and industries. Thanks to these advances the world is smaller and flatter. The reality of living in a globally integrated world is upon us and is presenting us with many opportunities and challenges. This increased information content gives us a unique path to alleviate and find solutions to the problems of many of the most important issues facing our world today. These collective realizations have reminded us that we are all now connected – economically, technically and socially. But we’re also learning that just being connected is not sufficient, we must solve the problems. About two years ago one of the world’s most advanced supercomputer broke the "petaflop" barrier—one thousand trillion calculations per second. Combined with advanced analytics, such supercomputers—and new computing models like "cloud"—can turn mountains of data into intelligence. And that intelligence can be translated into action, making our systems, processes and infrastructures more efficient, more productive and responsive—in a word, smarter.
Sobre o palestrante: Dr. Guarín is a Senior Engineer/Scientist at the IBM Microelectronics Semiconductor Research Development Center SRDC in East Fishkill N.Y. He received his BSEE from the “Pontificia Universidad Javeriana”, in Bogotá, Colombia, the M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Arizona, and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering form Columbia University, NY. His doctoral research studied the Molecular Beam Epitaxial growth of Silicon based alloys for device applications. He has been actively working in microelectronic reliability for over 30 years. From 1980 until 1988 he was a member of the Military and Aerospace Operations division of National Semiconductor Corporation where he held positions both in engineering and management. In 1988 he joined the IBM microelectronics division where he has worked in the reliability physics and modeling of Advanced Bipolar, CMOS and Silicon Germanium BiCMOS technologies. He is currently leading IBM’s14nm technology qualification. He has been the team leader for the qualification of several of IBM’s leading edge CMOS and SiGe technologies. He holds 9 patents, one trade secret, has published more than 65 papers and delivered 4 tutorials at the IEEE’s International Reliability Physics Symposium. Dr. Guarín is an IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Electron Device Society a member of the IEEE’s EDS Board of governors and Education Committees. Heis the current Secretary for the Electron Devices Society.