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Tela cheia


1 de Junho de 2016, 3:00 , por Vitor Barbosa de Araujo - | 1 pessoa seguindo este artigo.
Visualizado 9393 vezes


Certified by CNPq 

Chemical Propulsion Laboratory (CPL) at Gama Faculty of the University of Brasilia started its activities at 2013, was officially registered at 2015 and makes part of the Laboratory of Aerospace Science and Innovation (LAICA).

Main objective of the CPL is to consolidate activities in Rocket Propulsion and Jet Engines. In many of the research activities the outputs of the Laboratory are applied at the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).

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 Testing facility and Control room


Manufacturing, assembling and meeting rooms

Disciplinas Abrangidas

Lista de Equipamentos


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Chemical Propulsion Laboratory consists of the following divisions: Materials, Fabrication, Assembling, Testing, Data Acquisition and Analysis. It is ready for the national and international cooperation activities.

Current coordinator of the CPL – Prof. Olexiy Shynkarenko.