Full-time test 01 - 11/07/2017
12 de Julho de 2017, 19:35With the great satisfaction we have completed the full-time test of the SARA motor duration of 41 seconds of burning using HDPE and Nitrox Oxide propellants.
This result became possible because of the new composite heat insulation technology used for the combustion chamber protection, and because of the hard work of the Propulsion Team of the UnB. With this test was proven the capability of the long hybrid motor operation. As usual, operation of the motor was stable, safe and predictable. The structural metalic parts of the motor remain intact, so we expect to continue our work very soon.
Fig. 1 Testing of the motor (HDPE + N2O) - 41 seconds burning
Fig. 2 Motor after the test
Composite nozzle, heat insulaton, ignition system testing - 14/06/2017
14 de Junho de 2017, 21:06Today, 14 June 2017 we have provided several tests which included:
1.The Ignition system testing (project Design, Development and Testing of the Torch Ignition System for the Hybrid Rocket Motor (2015 - 2017). The continuous execution of the CH4/O2 torch ignition system during 180 seconds allowed to measure the behavior of the temperature in the various points of the combustion chamber (thanks to Mitutoyo, Omega and NI equipment). As the result, we can state that the vortex chamber operates with the self-cooling effect continuously, including the nozzle region.
Fig. 1 Testing of the torch ignition system (invisible flame at 2500K)
2. The composite heat insulation testing (project Experimental Studies of the Thermo-structural Materials Used as the Thermal Insulation for the Hybrid Rocket Engines (2015 - 2017). The current status of the research will allow us (hopefully) to increase the operation time of the motor by +50% using the HDPE - first tests are planned for July 2017.
Fig. 2 Ignition of the motor with the nozzle rev.F
3. The Composite nozzle testing (rev. F) (remains of the project Design and Fabrication of the Propulsion System That Meets the Requirements of SARA Reentry Platform Using Hybrid Propellants (2013 - 2016) allowed to validate one more design of the ceramic nozzle reinforced with the carbon composite material, kindly manufacured by our partner - Laboratory of Polymers at UFRGS. New tests are coming soon.
Fig. 3 Operation of the motor with the nozzle rev.F
Composite nozzle testing - 08/06/2017
8 de Junho de 2017, 21:52Today, 08 June 2017 we have tested the composite nozzle Rev. H, the new concept of the composite ablative material was successfully tested as well. The extended configuration of the pre-chamber was assembled in order to test the influence of the oxidizer distribution on the efficiency of the motor and to characterize the flow instabilities inside the combustion chamber.
Fig. 1 Assembling of the motor with the nozzle rev.H
Fig. 2. Testing of the motor with the nozzle rev.H
Composite nozzle testings - 15 and 18/05/2017
21 de Maio de 2017, 20:54On 15 and 18 May 2017 we have started the testing sequience of the carbon composite nozzles, which where manufactured by the Laboratory of Polymers at the Federal University of the Rio Grande do Sul (URFGS). Were performed full time tests, which proved the lifetime of the nozzles with different types of the heat insulation technologies.
Fig. 1 Testing of the nozzle rev.A
Fig. 2 Testing of the nozzle rev.D
The numerical studies made earlier by the Laboratory staff were validated by the current tests.
Heat Insulation Test - 31/03/2017, 04, 11, 18/04/2017, 02, 03, 05/05/2017
4 de Abril de 2017, 18:57On 31/03/2017, 04, 11, 18/04/2017, 02, 03, 05/05/2017 we had tested the new heat insulation materials and also recorded the flow by the fast HD cameras, which will allow us to validate the simulation results provided together with the Laboratory of the Systems Modelling of UnB/FGA. The obtained results make part of the pre-project of the new vertical test bench for the hybrid propulsion system. The Bigger scale and the Bigger possibilities.
Heat Insulation Test - 28/03/2017
28 de Março de 2017, 21:21Today we have successfully tested the heat insulation materials for the new motor. Performance was improved, data measured, no fails.
Heat Insulation Test - 22/03/2017
22 de Março de 2017, 10:00On 22 of March 2017 we have executed test with three different heat insulation materials, the results are quite promising. The representatives from the Directory of AEB (Brazilian Space Agency) and MCTIC (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications) have accompanied the test.
No fails in motor ignition and operation.
New tests are coming very soon!!!
Heat Insulation Test
17 de Março de 2017, 19:49The perspective material for the heat protection of the combustion chamber was tested today. The first test showed the advantages in the heat resistance, lifetime and cost of the protection layer compared to te previous solutions. The test was executed by means of two projects:
- Experimental Studies of the Thermo-structural Materials Used as the Thermal Insulation for the Hybrid Rocket Engines (2015 - 2017)
- Design and Fabrication of the Propulsion System That Meets the Requirements of SARA Reentry Platform Using Hybrid Propellants (2013 - 2016)
Test of the Hybrid Motor - Steel Nozzle
15 de Março de 2017, 21:39Testing of the thermal insulation of the motor and temperature distribution measurements in the nozzle with the high expansion ratio (600). During this test new technology of the data measurement and processing was used, which opens the possibilities to the testing of the carbon composte nozzle in cooperation with the Laboratory of the Polymers of UFRGS.
The results of the simulation will allow us to validate the analytical and numerical approaches. Heat insulation worked perfectly, the motor structure was intact during all the time of motor operation. New tests will be executed very soon.
Test at New Facility
10 de Março de 2017, 19:59On 9th of March 2017 we have successfully tested the new feed system developed in terms of the project “Design and Fabrication of the Propulsion System That Meets the Requirements of SARA Reentry Platform Using Hybrid Propellants” (AEB), allowing the thrust modulation (near future research – CNPq). Also, new thermal protection technology was successfully tested - project "Experimental Studies of the Thermo-structural Materials Used as the Thermal Insulation for the Hybrid Rocket Engines", which opens the possibility of longer operation time.