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Artigos completos publicados em periódicos:

A Study of the Atomization Process Using Numerical Simulation. BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; CASSIANO, E. R. S.; COELHO, J. G.; PINHO, F. A. A.; VERAS, C. A. G.  REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE PESQUISA EM ENGENHARIA. , v.2, p.68 - 87, 2016.

Preliminary Research of the Hybrid Motor Properties for the Reentry Platform. SHYNKARENKO, O.; BERTOLDI, A. E. M. Journal of Problems of High-Temperature Engineering. , v.1, p.156 - 164, 2014.


Trabalhos publicados em anais de eventos (completo):

Experimental Evaluation of Pressure-Swirl Injection System over Solid Fuel Regression Rate in Hybrid Rockets. BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; VERAS, C. A. G.; HENDRICK, P. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Milão, 2017.

Analyse of the Atomization Process Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; COELHO, J. G.; PINHO, F. A. A.; ALBERTO GURGEL VERAS, CARLOS. 7TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR AERONAUTICS AND SPACE SCIENCES (EUCASS), Milão, 2017.

Design and Experimental Evaluation of Liquid Oxidizer Injection System for Hybrid Rocket Motors. BOUZIANE, M.; BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; LEE, D.; MILOVA, P.; HENDRICK, P.; LEFEBVRE, M. 7TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR AERONAUTICS AND SPACE SCIENCES (EUCASS), Milão, 2017.

A study of the Atomization Process Using Numerical Simulation. BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; CASSIANO, E. R. S.; COELHO, J. G.; PINHO, F. A. A.; VERAS, C. A. G. XXXVII Iberian Latin American Congress on Compuational Methods in Engineering, Brasília, 2016.

Development and  Design of a Workbench for Rocket Motor Testing. ISHIOKA, I. S. K.; BEVILAQUA, R. C.; CASSIANO, E. R. S.; Da CAS, P. L. K.; BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; BARCELOS, M. N. D. 16th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, Vitória, 2016.

Concept and design of the hybrid test-motor for development of a propulsive decelerator of SARA reentry capsule. ANDRIANOV, ARTEM; SHYNKARENKO, OLEXIY; ELIAS DE MORAIS BERTOLDI, ARTUR; NASCIMENTO DIAS BARCELOS JUNIOR, MANUEL; ALBERTO GURGEL VERAS, CARLOS. 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, 2015.

Low-thrust hybrid motor efficiency research for design optimization purposes. SHYNKARENKO, OLEXIY; ANDRIANOV, ARTEM; ELIAS DE MORAIS BERTOLDI, ARTUR. 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, 2015.

Rocket Models as Motivator Agent in Teaching Sciences and Mathematics. BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; GESSINI, P.; POLITO, C.; ISHIOKA, I. S. K. 65th IAC - International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, 2014.

Development and Testing of Alternative Paraffin - Based Hybrid Rocket. CAMARA, G. Z.; INGLEZ, T. M. D.; BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; VERAS, C. A. G. 22 ndInternational Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM2013), Ribeirão Preto, 2013.

Modal Identification of Hybrid Rocket Acoustic Cavities: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation. BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; MORAIS, M. V. G.; FERREIRA, A. C.; VERAS, C. A. G. 22 ndInternational Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM2013), Ribeirão Preto, 2013.

Regression Rate Studies of a Paraffin-Based Hybrid rocket. Santos, L.M.C; CONTAIFER, R.; BERTOLDI, A. E. M.; MEDEIROS, E. G.; SOUSA, L. C. P. C.; BORGES, A.; VERAS, C. A. G. 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Ouro Preto, 2005.