Prof.Manuel Nascimento Dias Barcelos Júnior
Faculdade de Engenharia
UnB Gama
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Artigos em Periódicos
ALE Finite Element Method For Fluid Flow Simulations over Moving Guide Vanes |
American Journal of Hydropower, Water and Environment Sytems |
2016 |
Development of a Numerical Methodology for the Analysis of Aerodynamics Surfaces |
Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Engenharia |
2016 |
Evaluation of the Structural Behavior of Aluminum Honeycomb Sandwich Panels for Microsatellites |
Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Engenharia |
2016 |
Preliminary Evaluation of Structural Integrity of the Sngle-port HDPE and Paraffin Grain Under Low Temperature Conditions |
Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Engenharia |
2016 |
A Numerical Study of the Turbulent Flow over a Cylinder close to Moving Plane |
2013 |
A Pseudo-Stokes Mesh Motion Algorithm |
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
2013 |
An Optimized Hybrid Rocket Motor for the SARA Platform Reentry System |
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management |
2012 |
Mesh Motion Methods for Numerical Aerodynamic Design of Lift and Control Surfaces |
Information Systems, Mechanics and Control |
2010 |
Aeroelastic design optimization for laminar and turbulent flows |
2008 |
A Schur-Newton-Krylov solver for steady-state aeroelastic analysis and design sensitivity analysis |
2006 |
Artigos em Eventos
A preliminary evaluation of the structural integrity of single-port HDPE and paraffin grain under low temperature conditions |
2016 |
Design of the structure and Reentry System for the LAICAnSat-3 platform |
2016 |
Development and Design of a Workbench for rocket motor testing |
2016 |
Development of a numerical methodology for the analysis of aerodynamics surfaces |
2016 |
Evaluation of the structural behavior of aluminum honeycomb sandwich panels for microsatellites |
2016 |
Numerical Simulation for Modeling the External Balistics of Ramjet Missile |
2016 |
Concept and design of the hybrid test-motor for development of a propulsive decelerator of SARA reentry capsule |
2015 |
Método Não-destrutivo para Caracterização Mecânica de Estruturas Sanduiche Honeycomb |
2015 |
The Diffusion of Constellations of Small SAR Satellites: A Complex System Approach |
2014 |
A Numerical Study of the Turbulent Flow over a Cylinder Close to Moving Plane |
2013 |
Low Power Ablative Pulsed Plasma Thrusters |
2013 |
Modal Identification of Hybrid Rockets Acoustic Cavities: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation |
2013 |
Multidisciplinary design optimization applied to the conceptual design of a small unmanned aerial vehicle |
2013 |
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of High Energy Hybrid Upper Stage |
2013 |
Numerical Simulation of the flow around an air launch rocket |
2013 |
The Diffusion of Constellations of Small SAR Satellites: A Complex System Approach |
2013 |
Numerical simulation of airfoil applied to UAVs |
2012 |
Stability and control of an unmanned aerial vehicle for aerial photography using analytical and numerical methods |
2012 |
Structural Design of Mini-UAVs with conventional and alternative materials |
2012 |
A coupled boundary and finite element methodology for solving fluid-structure interaction problems |
2011 |
A coupled boundary and finite element methodology for solving fluid-structure interaction problems |
2011 |
An UAV design for the supervision and prevention of fires |
2011 |
Development of an analysis methodology of aerodynamic profiles applied to design of unmanned aerial vehicle |
2011 |
Estimation of waiting time in switchable batery station model |
2011 |
Multidisciplinary design optimization of a hybrid rocket engine to power a metereological sounding rocket |
2011 |
Optimization of an Orbital Maneuvering System using Hybrid Propelants |
2011 |
Preliminary Study of an Arcjet Plasma Torch for Gasification and Material Processing Applications |
2011 |
DES Simulation of the Flow around a Circular Cylinder in Ground Effect no Brazilian Congress of Termal Sciences and Engineering |
2010 |
Estudo Numérico do Escoamento Turbulento em torno de um Cilindro próximo a um Plano |
2010 |
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a De-Boost Hybrid Motor for the Brazilian Recoverable Satellite no International Conference on Engineering Optimization |
2010 |
Projeto e Simulação de um Leito Fluidizado Circulante para Limpeza de Produtos de Gaseificação de Biomassa |
2010 |
A finite element numerical simulation of the laminar flow over an oscillating airfoil |
2009 |
A robust and efficient sensitivity analysis method for aeroelastic design optimization |
2009 |
An Alternative Mesh Motion Methodology Based on a Pseudo Stokes Problem |
2009 |
Desenho Assistido por Computador: Relato de uma Experiência de Ensino |
2009 |
Dynamic behavior analysis of wind turbine towers |
2009 |
Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Aeroelastic Design Optimization |
2009 |
Vibration control of the set tower and wind turbine under the wind influence |
2009 |
Shape optimization in partitioned analysis for fluid-structure interaction |
2008 |
Shape optimization using partitioned FSI analyses |
2008 |
Efficient solution strategies for steady-state aeroelastic analysis and design sensitivity analysis |
2004 |
Sensitivity analysis and design optimization of aeroelastic structures undergoing large displacements |
2003 |
Análise dos efeitos da curvatura do diafragma sobre o escoamente dentro de um tubo de choque |
2001 |
Valuation of the influence of gas composition in dynamic calibration in a shock tube |
2001 |
Avaliação da influência da massa molecular na calibração dinâmica de transdutores de pressão em um tubo de choque |
2000 |
Método experimental para avaliação dos processos e propagação das ondas no interior de um tubo de choque |
1999 |
Instrumentação em anemometria de fio quente |
1998 |